When I first heard the term tech stack last year, the image of pancakes came to mind. Besides that, I wasn’t sure it was something I needed or wanted. I now know it is something that is very much needed in 2022, especially for a cloud-based, virtual bookkeeping and accounting business like mine. However, I quickly learned there is an app for just about everything, and it is hard to focus sometimes because some of them are very similar. If I stayed in the wedding planning game, I probably would have come up with something because I loved organizing the day-of timeline, and all the many different spokes that comprise it. Just in case you were wondering, yes, I do have shiny new app syndrome, so I have tested quite a few different ones on the road to creating just the right stack for me and my business.
So that being said, here is the {current} tech stack for CrossProBiz~
- Website & Blog
- WordPress.org
- Domain
- Project Management {what organizes everything}
- What Integrates everything
- Email List & Newsletters
- Business Phone Number
- Google Voice
- Scheduling
- Calendly
- Google Calendar
- Online Meetings
- Social Media
- LinkedIn & Instagram {main}
- Facebook for groups
- Link in Bio
- Social Media Images
- Canva {paid}
- Banking Service
- BlueVine (online & no service fees)
- Onboarding
- HoneyBook
- GoProposal
- Accounting
- Payroll
So to paraphrase the commercial, “What’s in your Tech Stack?’
Until next time,
*FYI, I do receive compensation for some of the links. I mean if I’m a fan, why not share and get a little benefit?