There are many things you need to think of when starting a business, and a big one is who will you be helping, your target market, your niche. Yes, we would like everyone to be our clients, but as you know, you can’t be everything to every prospect.
We usually start off with something we know. I wouldn’t market to those in the construction, because I know absolutely nothing about the industry.
With Cross Professional Business Services, my target market is wedding and event professionals, since I have had a wedding planning business, and for a time a catering company with my husband. Plus, I have worked in the hospitality industry for most of my adult life. I also prefer to focus on Women Business Owner, because it is what I know.
If you don’t think you have a niche, look at your clients {a metric you should be keeping track of}, and see if there are any patterns. Is there a particular demographic that you gravitate towards?
If you haven’t even though about it, list everything you like doing/your passion, what you are good at doing/skill set, and what you think you can make money doing/ the market. When you figure that out there should be some overlap, your niche.
It does take some brainstorming to hit the niche sweet spot, but once you get there…your marketing should be focused on them and hopefully you’ll have clients lining up to seek your services or products.
Let me know what your niche is and why you choose it.
Until next time